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At Full Circle Experiences we offer a range of services designed to promote wellness, connection and personal growth. Whether you're seeking a transformative retreat, a day of relaxation or an educational experience in nature, allowing individuals and families to cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling life. 

Breathwork &
Wild swimming


Dive in to a happier you and realign your physical and mental health with breath work,  a glorious cold dip and a riverside spa  in the breathtaking waters of Rydal in the Lake District.

Cacao Ceremony


The aim of our cacao ceremony is to create a sacred space for participants to take part in ceremony with intention. We tap into our unconscious and come home to ourselves whilst connecting to others. We use ceremony grade Cacao as a tool for healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth.

Forest Bathing


This Japanese practice is a process of relaxation; known in Japan as shinrin yoku. The simple method of being calm and quiet amongst the trees, observing nature around you whilst breathing deeply can help both adults and children de-stress and boost your immune system and wellbeing in a natural way.

Meditate With Horses

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Be expertly guided into a quiet sitting, with horses, long enough to see and hear things differently. Experince a complete emotional shift by meditating in the tranquility of the Lake District with these majestic animals.

Meditate with Swans



Tea Ceremony and Tarot

Brewing Tea

Explore your Tarot whilst enjoying a traditional tea ceremony by the river.  Through the tarot deck we can look at a symbolic map of consciousness that encompasses your journey through life, both spiritually and practically. 

Intense Equine Therapy


A deeply immersive experience. An intense meditation and breathwork session that will prepare you for a cold plunge in breathtaking waterfalls or lake. Warm up afterwards in a hot tub or sauna. 


A complete mental and physical health boost

  • Deeply relaxing breath work and meditation

  • Choose between a breathtaking waterfall or a tranquil lake

  • Expert guidance and assistance

  • Warm up in a sauna with an amazing river view

  • Relax and enjoy the hot tub and sauna by the river


Settle into Nature

Arrive at The Hermitage where you can enjoy free parking for the next few hours. 

You will be shown into our yoga studio to commence the breath work. On warm days, breathwork takes place on the yoga platform by the river. 

The swim


Duality of the self

The breathwork will relax you and help you land in nature and in your experience.  

First practice filling the cells of the body with oxygen and holding your breath so that you can distinguish between your thoughts and their observer.  It's a great practice in overcoming fear and anxiety. 

You are then guided through a beautiful breathing meditation that will take you to a state of bliss and expansion. 

Cold immersion

During the winter, we focus more on the benefits of cold water immersion and dip in the water for the optimum amount of time to boost your physical and mental health. 

You can choose between Rydal Water Lake or the Waterfalls to take your plunge. 

In the summer we will provide an assisted swim in the lake or, should you choose, we facilitate waterfall jumps. 

Riverside Spa

Your reward

The hard work is done and its time to relax in the riverside spa. 

The wood-fired hot tub and sauna on the beautiful bank of the river Rothay will revive your soul. 

The sauna has a huge window and is like a nature hide. Just relax and steam while the river burbles by. Use the river to cold plunge and lay back in the hot tub with a view of Nab scar. 

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* Example of a typical experience. Some timing and activities may differ slightly depending on the nature of the work, some sessions could alter 

Breathwork wild swimming

Plant medicine, blessings, movement, music and meditation

  • Psychoactive plant medicine

  • Carefully prepared ceremonial grade cacao

  • Unique and personal experience

  • Journey through the archetypes

  • Intentional connecting ceremony

  • Drumming and music

What is Cacao

The aim of a cacao ceremony is to create a sacred space for participants to connect with themselves, others, and the natural world. It is often used as a tool for healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth.

The history of cacao ceremonies can be traced back to ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations in Central and South America. Cacao was considered a sacred plant medicine and was used in rituals and ceremonies for its physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. It was believed to have the power to open the heart, expand consciousness, and facilitate deep inner work. t is used as a tool for self-reflection, emotional release, and spiritual exploration. The cacao is believed to act as a heart opener, helping participants to access their emotions, release blockages, and cultivate a deeper sense of love and compassion.

In modern times, cacao ceremonies have gained popularity as a way to reconnect with nature, and cultivate a sense of gratitude and joy. The ceremony involves drinking  ceremonial-grade cacao, which is prepared with intention and accompanied by music, meditation, and structures for personal development.


The cacao is made from raw cacao beans that are minimally processed and retain their natural properties. Cacao contains various compounds, including theobromine, which is a mild stimulant that can increase focus and energy, and anandamide, which is known as the "bliss molecule" and can induce feelings of euphoria and well-being.


After arriving at The Hermitage we will take our place by the river to prepare and drink our cacao. We will talk about the archetypes and as metaphors for inner balance. Through music and movement, we feel our way into the collective consciousness through the archetypes. 

The journey ends with blessings and a blissful meditation.

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*The ceremony may change in nature and due to weather. It may be held indoors or around a fire. We may focus less on movement due to our support of participants with limited mobility

Cacao Ceremony
Forest Bathing
Forest Walking

Absorb the powerful benefits of being within nature

  • Connect deeply within nature in the Lake District

  • Experience the calming effect that forest environments have on the nervous system

  • Uplift mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

  • Enhance the immune system

  • Increase energy levels and reduce fatigue

What to expect

Arrive at The Hermitage and park for free. Enjoy a cup of tea and talk about our intentions for the forest bathing session before setting off on a beautiful walk. 

Walk mindfully

You will be gently talked through the art of mindful walking and listening without preconceived ideas or projections. The walk will take us to Rydal waterfalls where we will settle into some breath work by the flowing water. 

The hush of the forest

We will leave the musicality of the waterfalls enter the silence of the forest and start to feel the magic of the trees, the plants, and their phytoncides doing their work. You will be invited to walk barefoot and silently, noticing every color, texture, and shape. 


We soon reach a beautiful glade where we will rest and take some ceremonial-grade cacao. You will be guided through a feeling excavation and then a guided meditation that will connect you to the forest energetically.  Its time to receive and absorb the magic. 


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• Examole of a typical forest bathing session. The itinerary could change depending on weather and physical limitations. 


Deep union with horses and nature

  • Learn how to deeply connect with horses

  • Meditate with rescue horses that have been healed through this work

  • Horse choose to be right next to you

  • Cultivate stillness in magnificent flight animals by regulating your own central nervous system

  • Stunning surroundings in The Lake District

  • Watch as the horses fall asleep and invite you to cuddle and relax with them

  • Leave your stresses behind and completely absorb the landscape


A paradise for horses

We normally meet at Holmeshead Farm in Ambleside. Occasionally the venue changes slightly due to grazing rotations but we will dutifully inform you. The surroundings are always breathtaking. 

Please do this experience at the beginning of your holiday so that you can leave the minutia of daily life behind and really land in this wonderful environment.

Beautiful accommodation is available for people visiting solely for this experience. Please enquire. 

Meet the Horses

We don't prioritise riding

Many of our horses are rescued from being destroyed because they can "no longer be ridden"

Our horses all have their own unique personalities. 

Their needs and personalities come first and riding comes last

We just love hanging out with them. They are the best fun!

You will be invited to really get to know the horses and begin the bonding process by grooming and massaging. 

Bring them down

Start to co-sync your central nervous systems

Horses are very sensitive, just like dogs. As herd animals, they pick up on each other's hormones and heart rates in order to operate as a herd. 

When we get present and mindful, changes take place in our bodies that the horses then mirror. They become gooey and sleepy. I call this Bringing Them Down. 

A Healing State

Stillness and bliss

Once the horses are in a sleepy state, they are very still. They just want to be close to us. 

This is where we really focus and practice our meditation. The more present we are, the sleepier they will become. They often lay down or rest their noses on us. 

The co-syncing is now reversed! we are mirroring their huge capacity to be present and we start to receive. The peace and bliss that you feel is hard to describe. You just have to try it. 

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* Example of a typical retreat itinerary. Some timing and activities may differ slightly depending on the nature of the work, some sessions could be longer or shorter 

Meditate with horses

A full day with horses that that will induce clarity and transformation

  • ​Meditate with Horses

  • Emotional excavation

  • Delicious organic detox lunch

  • Moving through the archetypes

  • Mirror work

  • Explore the shadow

About the day

This is not a therapeutic day that merely involves relaxing and pampering and it is not for the feint hearted. We take a deep dive and excavation into the psyche to bring what lays in shadow out into the light. The behaviour  that controls us and holds us back will be seen and mirrored through the herd and harnessed to our advantage. A wonderful transformation will take place and plant a seed deep in your unconscious that will continue to grow. 

The day begins with an introduction to the horses and a safety brief. You will get to know the horses as the day unfolds and build your sense of trust and acceptance amongst them. 

The Meditate with Horses workshop lasts for approximately 2 hours and is intended to form a deep connection with the horses, tap into your unconscious form a place of safety and connection and help you see and hear things differently. 

This will bring us to lunch where we will enjoy organic, grounding and detoxifying food in preparation for our deep therapy session. 

Then we go back amongst the herd to start working with the shadow. 

Trust the mystery and let the herd guide you to a place of clarity, healing and freedom from your psychic chains. 

Eco Spa
Tarot Cards

Coming in 2024

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Soothing readings and traditional chinese tea ceremony

  • Ceremonial-grade Chinese tea

  • Preparing, serving, and drinking tea in a ritualistic and ceremonial way where it is used to promote wellbeing.

  • Traditional Tarot reading

  • Integrating guided meditation


Free Parking

Arrive at Full Circle Experiences at The Hermitage where you can park for free and will be greeted at the front door. 

On warm days we will conduct the ceremony by the river on the yoga deck. 

In "witchy weather" we will go into the healing room and take a comfortable seat around the low table. 


Set your intentions

Tarot cards are a tool to help you tap into your own intuition and the wisdom of the universal energy that guides your life. Just like the archetypes, they can be used as a metaphor, to map your internal growth and create insight. 

The cards are a reflection of how we are and where we are headed. It's a really healthy practice to mirror what could be holding you back and set your intentions to move forward.

The Tea

Ceremonial Grade Meditation Tea

If you have not experienced a traditional Chinese tea ceremony before then you have probably not experienced tea like this.

We are limited to a small range of imported black tea where the Chinese are diverse consumers of hundreds of strengths and flavors from every region. 

We have gone with a fairly strong tea by our standards but mellow enough to stimulate an exotic flavor of meditation. Tea and meditation are customary in Chinese tradition. 

The Meditation

Intergrate your learnings

The tarot is the map that shows you the way, so the next step is to assimilate these learnings and intentions into our psyche. 

We settle into a rich and soothing guided meditation to visualize the way forward and the direction we are headed. 

we leave feeling focused, refreshed, confident, and inspired. 

* Example of a typical retreat itinerary. Some timing and activities may differ slightly depending on the nature of the work, some sessions could be longer or shorter 

Brewing Tea
Tarot and Tea
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